New Original: The Impact and the Invocation

Good Afternoon,

It’s been a while but I started writing again… again. This time it’s a Sci-fi inspired by one of my favourite novels. (synopsis here)

It can also be read on the Novelupdates Forum (link), if that’s a thing you prefer.

As always, I hope you enjoy the read (been a while since I’ve said that)

New Original: The Impact and the Invocation

Happy Anniversary

Hi all,

It’s been a year since I started this blog, so thanks to everyone what has read my work.

As a quick update, I’ve been fairly busy IRL so the only recreational writing I’ve been doing has been The Rig Mechanist’s Maintenance Report, on RRL. I might add it on this site this weekend, but don’t quote me on that.

Once gain, happy anniversary to SenjiQ Creations

Happy Anniversary